Items filtered by date: October 2024

Announcement of the first cultural festival for the year 2024

The Central Library announces the holding of the first cultural festival for the current academic year, which includes a reading competition for students, through which valuable financial prizes will be awarded to the top three winners. All participants in the competition will be given a letter of thanks and appreciation in appreciation of their role. To view the instructions, conditions and registration,

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Holding a symposium entitled “Practical applications in combating desertification”


Holding a symposium entitled “Practical applications in combating desertification” The Central Library held a symposium entitled “Practical Applications in Combating Desertification” in one of its halls, in cooperation with the University Presidency/Women’s Affairs Unit, on Monday, 10/14/2024, which was delivered by the lecturer (Md. Hussein Abbas Muhammad) from the College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences/University of Baghdad. /Department of combating desertification. At the end of the symposium, the Director of the Central Library (A.D. Ziad Qasim Habib) presented a certificate of participation to the lecturer.


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Thursday, 17 October 2024 00:00

Technological University Chess Championship

Technological University Chess Championship


The Cultural Forum Hall at the Central University hosted the student chess table under the supervision of the Activities Department on Tuesday, 14/11/2024. In the presence of the President of the University (Professor Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Hassan Al-Ghaban), the Assistant President of the Administrative University (Professor Dr. Farhad Muhammad Othman) opened the University Chess Championship for official male and female students 2224-2025.

At the end of the competition, the Director of the Central Library expressed that the Central Library in all its halls is ready to receive all the activities of the University of Technology and in cooperation with all scientific departments and centers.

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Holding a symposium entitled “Empowering and leading the ingenuity of university administrations”

The Central Library held a symposium entitled “Empowering and Leading the Ingenuity of University Administrations” in the Cultural Forum Hall, in cooperation with the University Presidency/Women’s Affairs Unit, on Tuesday, 10/8/2024, which was delivered by the two professors: (Prof. Dr. Saleh Hadi Al-Quraishi) and (A. Prof. Dr. Khawla Hassan Younis and Prof. Iman Salim Yousef from the College of Arts/Arabic Language Department/Al-Mustansiriya University. The symposium aims to know the importance of leadership lessons in different environments, including the university environment.

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