Items filtered by date: May 2024

Discussing graduation projects in the central library

On Monday, May 27, 2024, the Central Library and the Cultural Forum Hall hosted a group of fifth-year students from the Department of Biomedical Engineering who graduated with participation: Assist. Prof. Dr. Ziad Qasim Habib, Director of the Central Institution and member of the discussion committees. Note that the central library halls are prepared for all university professors to study in.


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Follow-up and supervision of the library of Al-Rafidain University College


The Director of the Central Library at the University of Technology, Assist.Prof.Dr. Ziad Qasim Habib, member of the Ministerial Committee for Follow-up and Supervision, visited libraries in private colleges and universities.
On Wednesday, 22/5/2024, the committee visited the library of Al-Rafidain University College.
The Ministerial Committee reviewed the work procedures and developments in the library’s work, beneficiary services, the library’s website, the number of existing university theses, and the number of sources and periodicals that were received by the library during this year through personal donations and purchases from reputable publishing houses.


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A course on the library management system (Koha) at the Hussein shrine in the holy city of Karbala


In continuation of what was stated in the cooperation agreement between the Hussein Shrine and the University of Technology in installing and rehabilitating the central library on the library management system (KOHA). The Hussein Shrine hosted the Central Library team in the holy city of Karbala for the period from 14/5/2024 - 16/5/2024. Representatives of the Central Library are: Head of Programmers Osama Abdullah Muhammad, the official in charge of the Automated Systems Division in the library, Senior Director Jassim Muhammad Jawad, division official Beneficiary Services and Assist.Lecturer Hadeer Muthana, Officer of the Periodicals and Reference Hall, to complete the final stage of training under the supervision of Mr. Hussein Adnan Radwi, Officer of the Information Systems and Knowledge Management Division.



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Follow up and supervise the library of the Baghdad College of Medical Sciences

The Director of the Central Library at the University of Technology, Assist. Prof.Dr. Ziad Qasim Habib, member of the Ministerial Committee for Follow-up and Supervision of Libraries in Colleges and Universities. On Wednesday, 5/9/2024, the committee visited the library of the Baghdad College of Medical Sciences. The Ministerial Committee reviewed the work procedures and developments in the library’s work, beneficiary services, the library’s website, the number of existing university theses, and the number of sources and periodicals that were received by the library during this year through personal donations and purchases from reputable publishing houses.


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Workshop on (Fundamentals of Writing Scientific Research)


As part of the academic skills development program for postgraduate students, on Monday, 6/5/2024, Assist. lecturer Rand Zuhair Khalil held an in-person workshop entitled (Fundamentals of Writing Scientific Research) in the Cultural Forum Hall in the Central Library. It was announced in advance on the ASDPS system, where it was presented. Methods and methods of writing modern research for postgraduate studies. At the end of the scientific workshop, the door is opened for discussion and answers to students’ questions that have abandoned many researchers.




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